Frequently asked questions

Why are there no bigger paper options?

All the portraits I make, are made in my (small) room. I unfortunately don't have the space to work on bigger pieces. If you want a bigger piece though, I can always see what I can do!

How long does it take to make an animal portrait?

When I'm working with coloured pencils, it can take up to 30 hours to draw 1 animal. Working with pastels is a bit faster, since this is a whole other way of drawing. The more animals you want, the longer it will take me to draw them.

Can you draw every animal?

Of course! I may not have drawn every animal yet, but I love the experience of drawing new animals.

Can you draw humans too?

I'm sticking to animal portraits right now. Maybe I'll start drawing humans in the future, but right now I'll leave that to the professionals.