About me

My name is Tamara, 24 years ago I was born on the west side of the Netherlands. As long as I can remember I've always wanted to work with animals. I now have all the diploma's I need to do that work

Besides wanting to work with animals, I've always loved to draw. This is because of my dad and cousin, they both draw/paint as well. They've been the reason I started drawing. 

Recently I've started to take the drawing more seriously. After a while people started to ask questions if I wanted to draw their animals. So I decided to take commissions. 

As someone who loves animals, I can't live without one. Since January 2023 I have two beautiful Maine Coon ladies running around in my house, Their names are Billy and Evy.

The face of my site however, is Xena. Xena was my 10-year-old Maine Coon lady who lived with me for 6 years. I unfortunately had to send her to the rainbow bridge in december 2022 since she was very sick. I decided to keep her as the face of my website, cause not only did it start with her, her death gave me an extra inside of why having a drawing of your pet can be so important.